Love Relationships: Part 1

Love Relationships: Part 1

Ever wonder what’s the difference is in the love relationships we have, and the possible deeper meaning behind them?

Do you think you may have found “The One”, but not sure how to coin your relationship level as?

Some people will experience such an enormous deep love connection with another person that is virtually unexplainable with the common languages we use as homo sapiens. Most humans want to fall in love and search earnestly to find it. They want someone whom they can be by their side throughout their lifetime come rain or shine. As time changes, the relationships we engage in are also changing. It comes a point where some of us are not satisfied with the relationships that are blatantly decided by our society, our families, or even based out of convenience. We are searching for a purer kind of love that enriches our lives to the fullest. But for that, we have to know the difference between the various types of love affairs.

This is a part one (1) of a three (3) part series that will discuss the topics of twin flames, false twin flames, the split-a-part theory, soulmates, stepping stone soulmates, karmic partners, destined life partners, and divine counterparts in order for you to have a better understanding of the love relationships you may have or have had in the past. In this first series, we will focus on twin flames and false twin flames.

Twin Flame

Have you ever met someone that changes the purpose of your life? It may be your twin flame, but what is a twin flame? And how will you know when you have found yours? Spiritual Love connections do exist, but people mostly confuse a twin flame with other romantic soulmates. Twin flames are life-changing relationships that can be either extremely romantic or completely platonic.

We incarnate on this earth in this realm of existence at the same time as our twin flame. It is said that our souls originated as one soul that got split into two in order to incarnate as humans on planet earth for the purpose of having a human life experience. As a twin, we tend to mirror our other twin whether we realize it or not. Some twin flames are even telepathic. The true purpose of the twin flame union is to serve a greater purpose to humanity and to the entire world. Twin Flame union can be difficult for most because essentially you are a forced to face your flaws. Keep in mind that this is not necessarily the perfect “Happily Ever After” connection some people believe it to be, but rather it will push you to become a higher self-conscious being on a level that can only be accomplished through interactions with your twin flame.

In general, the traits you dislike about yourself the most are the exact same traits you’ll see displayed the most frequent in your twin flame. Most times when you are arguing with them, you are arguing with yourself because of something you don’t like within your own mind, body, and spirit. It is your internal projection coming from your twin flame that you are essentially dealing with. As it were, the twin flame union is probably the most intense relationship that can be shared between two people. It is a bond that lasts forever throughout many lifetimes. It should go without saying that your twin flame is automatically your soulmate given that you share the same soul. You will have an almost instant connection and feel as though you have known each all along your whole life. When you come together with your twin flame, you come back to yourself in your heavenly manner. Unconditional love and acceptance are the basis of this type of relationship. Twin flames are the true spiritual couple. They make grand changes in the world by creating services catered to the masses, and by doing essential work required for the overall wellness of society such as becoming foster parents or by having an active role in religious activities.

The twin flame journey is a continuous process that has no start and no end. Finding your twin flame requires a lot of dedication and time.

First, you have to find the twin flame within you. This can only happen by reaching into the depths of your true inner self to acknowledge and accept everything good as well as everything bad that makes you who you are as an individual. Some may have to experience what’s called the “Dark Night of the Soul or DNS” in order to fully address unwanted internal issues. The DNS process is very excruciating to say the least, but it doesn’t come without its rewards. Most spiritual awaken beings have gone through at least one DNS experience, and it will hit those the hardest if Saturn just happens to be in their Sun Sign at that moment (Saturn is currently in the Sun Sign of Aquarius until March 7, 2023 when it enter the Sun Sign of Pisces).

Given the difficulties one may encounter on their twin flame journey to union, and even thereafter; it will take lots of courage to dispel all of the images applied to your way of thinking by your parents, family, friends, society, social media, and your non-authentic self if the goal is to have a successful loving relationship with your twin flame. This true emerging can and will only happen at the deepest level of your soul, which is in part directly connected to the source of all creation. Only by getting into this mindset will you be ready for either a union or reunion with your twin flame that will endure the test of time.

Not everyone in this world has a twin flame, and most people will live out happy lives with their soulmates. However, if you have a deep desire that is more than a physical attraction or personal gain; a persistent longing for a connection with someone special; if you’re a soul wanting to save humanity in some way and want to serve the world on a grandiose scale, then you may have a twin flame somewhere out there who is desperately seeking you right now even as you read the words of this blog.

Signs of Twin Flame Recognition:

  • The existence of time disappears between the two of you
  • Having the feeling that you and your partner are destined
  • An instant intense attraction between both of you
  • Having the same or similar desires and dreams
  • Following the same principles and values
  • Your weaknesses and strengths balance and compliments each other
  • You both are driven to a higher spiritual purpose
  • Learning and givingone another unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion, and empathy
  • Sharing a polar opposite or virtually identical childhoodexperience
  • Having the same dreams at night or meeting up on the 5D plane
  • Understanding each other complexities better than anyone else
  • There’s a huge age difference between you two
  • The places where the two of you were born are in different countries or very far apart in location
  • Communicating with each other without speaking, by way of feeling their vibrations and emotions.

Certain obstacles are put into place between the two of you even before you were born, so that you can both spiritually develop the necessary tools that will best suit the main mission of your magical twin flame union. The purpose of a twin flame relationship is to ignite that fire inside you that will ultimately enact your greatest potential. At the end of the day, this type of relationship makes you a better person and opens a world of possibilities for you. The twin flame journey demands spiritual growth to be already present in each of you. Without having spiritual growth, it will not be possible to overcome fears and anxieties that may be holding you back from living the life you were meant to have. The twin flame union is a powerful kind of love that serves a unique purpose and elevates you to become an essential asset to all the lives you touch.

False Twin Flame

On your journey to finding your twin flame, you must understand and be able to identify a false twin flame when they enter your life. You should always take a lesson learned from any bad relationship you encounter. False twin flames come when it’s time for a spiritual upgrade, and a valuable lesson is needed to be learned in some way or another. Usually, they don’t have any bad intentions or ill intent towards you, but the sooner you realize that they are not the one for you, the better it is for all parties involved.

A false twin flame relationship is comprising of two parts. The first one is the twin flame victim and the second is the false narcissist twin flame. The arrival of a false twin flame is not karma related or by chance circumstances. They enter your life when you are unable to find your real twin flame, and/or not ready to take the next step in the twin flame journey. This experience will most likely cause pain for you both, but the minute you call it quits you can start the healing process of mind, body, and spirit.

People have a myriad of names for a false twin flame. Some call it a narcissist twin flame or toxic twin flame, while others call it the counterfeit twin flame. A false twin flame acts as a catalyst soulmate that comes into your life right before your connection with your real twin flame emerges seemingly out of nowhere. The catalyst is usually a compulsory step, but not everyone on their twin flame journey will have them. It is quite unfortunate, that most people’s twin flame journeys are filled with being in long-term toxic relationships to the point where they now feel that it was a part of their twin flame development. Some have even used the term “Twin Flame” in order to maintain a relationship that was hurtful for both them and their partner.

In the preliminary days, a false twin flame can be seen as someone you can relate to and get along with ratherwell. You feel like it’s the real-deal. The signs seem to be there and all the gushy feelings too. However, try to pay close attention for just a bit longer. After some time has passed (usually within a 90-day period), you will begin to notice some major red flags if there are any to be seen. This is such a critical step, because your heart will want to overlook the obvious, but your mind and gut will be screaming for you to head for the hills post haste. It is crucial to remain as objective as possible during this initial “lovey-dovey” phase. Get feedback from your friends and family as quickly as possible regarding your new love interest.

You should take note that the false twin flame will come up as an energy vampire. They will emotionally feed off of their victimsvia manipulation. Without even realizing it, the victim will become increasingly dependent on the false twin flame in response, which of course is a very unhealthy mindset that can lead to other forms of behavioral self-destruction. The deep painful experience that usually comes from the narcissistic ways of interacting with the false twin flame can be avoided, but most will fall blindly to the allure and charms presented before them. This is by no means the fault of the victim, for it is normal to want to love and have love returned to you in the same fashion given.

On an emotional level, you don’t understand what’s right or what’s wrong for you in terms of the relationship you have with your false twin flame. You start to doubt your own sound logic and reasoning. Usually in this situation, victims blame themselves for any problems in the relationship. To fix any issues, the victim will start to come up with ways to “save the relationship”, or try to make it like it was when they first met. The victim needs to gain the clarity of mind to see how they are not what’s causing strife in their love connection, and end the toxic relationship quickly thereafter.

Signs of Recognizing a False Twin Flame:

  • When struggle arises, their commitment is challenged
  • They don’t respect you
  • Past issues continuously arise
  • You are afraid to disagree with your partner
  • Your partner brings more anxiety than peace
  • You and your partner lack trust with each other
  • Your partner is jealous of your success
  • Your partner will make feel self-destructive
  • Your partner lacks support in the things that makes you happy
  • Your partner always puts their needs before yours
  • There is a lack of purpose between your relationship

If you suspect that you are in a false twin flame relationship, not to worry; there’s still hope. You can end that connection and start to feelat peace again. The healing process that you will inevitably go through is going to make you much stronger and wiser from all the lessons learned from that false twin flame relationship. Sometimes you have to have the lessons before you can receive the blessings.

This can be a very confusing and painful time for you, but know that everyone gets their heart broken at one point in time or another. You can perseverejust as your ancestors did before you. It’s in your DNA. If someone is meant to be with you, then a mutual resolution will manifest. The efforts to keep the relationship going will be equal from the both of you. It should never be one-sided. If the other person truly wants a successful relationship with you, they will find a way to bring back the harmony by abolishing the discord between the two of you in the same manner as you are willing to do. Forcing yourself to be in a negative relationship is unhealthy, and should be avoided at all costs. To find your true twin flame, you must remove the false twin flame from your life first. Only then can the path be opened for your twin flame encounter.

Follow your heart’s desire and never settle for less than the best life has to offer you. Your true twin flame is somewhere in the world waiting for the chance to be with you again.

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